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  • Priscilla

Because You Are With Me

Many things and people we encounter can change our lives, as they may settle our paths going forward. In my journey of life, after I became a mother, I drew closer to God. Throughout my days of accompanying my child, I matured and could feel God even closer. Every life does not start coincidentally, as recorded in Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you.”

I remember when I first found out that I was pregnant, I looked forward to seeing what my child would be like. Out of ignorance, I asked God to give me a child who is cute, bright, pretty and healthy, and would often think about what my child would grow up to be like. Little did I know that children are a blessing from God. Children are presents from Him, but I had already started being picky, thinking in my heart what type of “present” I would like. It could be the case that when one opens a present, they realize it isn’t as dazzling as they expected: the child is not as bright, pretty or even as cute as one anticipates.

Thank God, the days passed, and God guided me throughout the way. I received an ordinary child given by God with thanksgiving. My heart leaped with joy at the little progresses my child made, and I understood that what God had given me must have been the most suitable for me. In the process of educating my child, I had joy and contentment in my heart. Because God was with me, I was not anxious about my child’s academic performance. God had allowed me to view faith as being more important than academic achievement. Even though a child may perform well academically, it does not mean that he will be able to earn God’s favour. But if a child does well in his faith, then his path of life will be guarded by God. “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

Genesis 22 records an event in which God tested Abraham’s faith; this incident left a very deep impression on me. Even after becoming a mother, every time I read this Bible passage, I had so many thoughts and inspirations. God asked Abraham to offer his only son, Isaac, whom he loved. When Abraham and Isaac journeyed together towards the land of Moriah, where God directed Abraham to go, what was Abraham feeling in his heart? Reluctance to let go? Anxiety? Sorrow? I often put myself in Abraham’s shoes and thought, if it were me, my heart would be exceedingly sorrowful and I would be extremely reluctant to go. But, the Bible did not record any of these specific feelings in Abraham. I believe that even if Abraham struggled in his heart, he was still able to firmly believe that his child would resurrect, because he told his servant: “Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you” (Genesis 22:5). Genesis 22:6, 8 recorded twice that “the two of them went together.”

It wasn’t just Abraham journeying with Isaac, but also God our Father, who loves us deeply, walking with His beloved son Abraham. Even though Isaac didn’t know where the lamb for the burnt offering was, he was not worried or anxious because he walked with Abraham. Even though Abraham could not understand why God asked him to offer his son Isaac, he knew that the Heavenly Father, whom we cannot see, had been walking with him. Therefore, Abraham was not timid or afraid and did not draw back: he was determined to go to Mount Moriah. “By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, of whom it was said, ‘In Isaac your seed shall be called,’ concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also received him in a figurative sense” (Hebrews 11:17-19). God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and stated that in Isaac his seed shall be called. Abraham believed in God, and when he was tested, he offered Isaac so that he could receive his promises with joy. Abraham loved God and trusted in Him. Therefore, God was with Abraham and he was not troubled when he had to make any decision.

Are you still anxious for your children’s future? If we have God’s abidance, do we need to worry about such things? I know that it would be exceedingly good if I bring my child before God, and allow my God to become his God, to allow his God to be with him just like how my God is with me.

The process of teaching a child is also a process of improving our qualities as parents. Such experiences will teach us how to become a good child in the eyes of our Heavenly Father: this is a wonderful blessing of God. Before I became a mother, I often thought that after having a child, I would lose much of my personal time and hobbies. It could be possible that I must keep on paying out effort, but in reality, I now feel that it is the opposite. Through God blessing me with a child, my life is able to become more abundant.

Dear Child! Because of you, I learned to be strong, to endure, to deny myself and to be joyful. These characteristics are what we must possess in order to walk on our heavenly journey. Dear child! Because of you, I often reflect upon myself, whether or not I am also misbehaving or being rebellious in the eyes of our Heavenly Faither. Am I also not lovable and not perfect in His eyes? Even so, God has never forsaken me and has loved me with an everlasting love. God has said: “ ‘Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you’ ” (Jeremiah 31:3).

Oh Lord! Because of You, I have more motivation to walk on this Heavenly journey, for I want to be an example to my children. Psalm 127:3 records, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.” Oh Lord! Because you are with me, oh Abba

Father, I can entrust everything into your hands and not be anxious about anything. Oh Lord! Because You are with me, I hope to glorify Your Name, to be more like You, and to be a child pleasing in Your eyes so that I may live in the light. Yes, You are the True Light that has been given to every man on earth. I will strive towards the Light, to look towards the Light and to follow You!

Oh Lord! How wonderful it is to have your abidance!


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