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  • TJC Toronto


One day, a grandmother and her grandchildren were eating and shared a piece of news that happened in the hometown. A week ago, the city that grandmother’s classmate lived in was devastated by an EF-4 violent tornado. Over 100 people were killed, and over 800 were injured. As seen in the pictures of the area after the disaster, this tornado was very intense.

The grandchildren have never heard of tornadoes and did not know of their dangers, so one of them asked, “How did those people die?” Grandmother said that tornadoes are very powerful: they can uproot trees, knock down houses, throw and flatten cars, and flip boats. When people face tornadoes, it is possible for them to be swept up by it and thrown down. The fall would cause either injury or possibly death.

The young grandson said, “If they were swept up into the sky, they can pray to God, and He will save them! He will make the wind stop and won’t let them fall to their death.” The older brother said, “They don’t know God so they won’t pray.”

When children grow up in the church, they hear of many Bible stories, and of many people share about the grace God has given them in their lives. When those belonging to God meet up with difficulties, if they can cry out to God even in the most violent storm, they will not feel alone and helpless. Instead, they will feel peace because they know that God is watching over them from above and protecting them. Moreover, they believe in God’s power, know that He is even able to resurrect the dead. Their whole life has been guided by God’s will, and God will keep them in His love. Even at the last moment of life, when they are face-to-face with death, they know that those belonging to God will return to His embrace after death. That is a wonderful place, a place where all want to go.

The world children live in is truly innocent and beautiful, but when they grow older, they begin to worry and fear what is around them. In Isaiah 41:10, the Bible reads, “Fear not, for I am with you; e not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” In addition, in Psalm 46:1, it reads, “God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.”

Tornadoes are frightening because people are afraid of getting hurt. We often worry and fear the things that may happen to us, but if we know God and are willing to rely on Him then we will not be afraid. If we learn to entrust everything to God, we will not be afraid of disasters we cannot control such as a tornadoes because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).

We are very blessed to be able to bring our children to God, to let God live in their hearts. I cannot predict what will happen to them or whom they will meet now or in the future, but I know that God will watch over them as long as they seek God’s help when they face challenges. I cannot be with my children all the time, but God can be with them as they live their life.


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