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  • 劉學慧

The First Commandment With A Promise

In April 2023, my father was hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit due to illness. Observing my elderly and fragile father lying in the hospital bed, I found it challenging to reconcile this image with the father who enthusiastically assisted me with luggage just a few years ago. Grappling with pain in his waist and legs upon his discharge, my father experienced difficulty in walking. Once cheerful and optimistic, he now often sat in a contemplative state. When we offered our assistance, he would express, "I can't do anything now, and I'm sorry for causing you trouble." His words carried a sense of guilt, helplessness, and reliance on the family. This experience profoundly signaled a shift in roles between us, the children, and our parents. We moved from being the recipients of care to becoming their caregivers, gradually evolving into their main support during their elderly years.

Personally, when my parents were in good health, I didn't dedicate much time and effort to them. Engaged in year-round work commitments, the moments shared with my parents were limited. They were understanding and often went out of their way to help me within their capabilities. It wasn't until my father fell seriously ill that the one who had consistently cared for the family suddenly became the one in need of care, and his spirits took a noticeable downturn. The hospital became a frequent destination, and his emotions mirrored the fluctuating prospects of his treatments. Not only did I have to invest a significant amount of time with them, but I also had to provide constant comfort and reassurance. My own physical strength was consistently drained, and I also had to manage work-related issues. I am grateful to God for granting me a composed and steady heart, enabling me to tenderly care for them. I often remind them that honoring parents brings blessings from the Lord and that having the chance to care for them is a blessed opportunity for us. Through this, I hope they can find solace. Simultaneously, my desire for my parents to embrace faith in the Lord and undergo baptism has grown more pressing. While I cannot guarantee their eternal health, I fervently hope they can find hope, enter God's kingdom, and savor the sustenance of life bestowed by the Lord.

Two months after my father's discharge, I broached the subject of baptism with my parents once again. Surprisingly, my father, who had declined three years ago, readily agreed this time. On August 11th, my parents were baptized, aligned themselves with the name of the Lord, and embraced my God as their God. My father expressed, "My daughter is devoted, leading us to believe in God, a path that cannot be wrong. We show reverence to our God by honoring our parents."

The recent months of caregiving for my parents have provided me with a deeper comprehension of the profound significance embedded in the concept of "honoring parents." This is no easy feat, particularly when parents confront health challenges, and we find ourselves juggling various responsibilities like work, family, and children. Managing the complexities of time, energy, physical strength, and emotions raises the question: can we consistently uphold a heart of service towards our parents?

God designates honoring parents as the primary commandment in human relationships, and notably, it is the first commandment coupled with a promise, emphasizing its importance. While God may impart different lessons to each individual in honoring their parents, the ultimate objective remains the same – the cultivation of love. The initial step is learning to love our parents authentically; after all, if one cannot wholeheartedly love those who gave them life, how can they extend love to others?

God guides us through the journey of experiencing, learning, and reciprocating love within the framework of honoring our parents. This type of love has the potential to proliferate and exert positive influence, infusing warmth into relationships within our cold world.

Thank God! May all glory and praise be unto His name! Amen.


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