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  • 劉學慧

Thankful For Everything

“Thanks for prayers that Thou hast answered, thanks for what Thou dost deny! Thanks for storms that I have weathered, thanks for all Thou dost supply! Thanks for pain and thanks for pleasure, thanks for comfort in despair! Thanks for grace that none can measure, thanks for love beyond compare!” This is a verse from my favourite hymn ‘Thanks to God.” The first time I heard this hymn was during a wedding held in the church. At that time, not only was I moved by its melody, but even more so I was attracted by its unique lyrics. Whether our prayers are answered or denied, we still have to thank God. Whether in suffering or in gladness, sorrow or joy, we still must give thanks to God. Whether it is tears or blessings, we must have a grateful heart, even if it is difficult! How can we have a heart of thanksgiving toward God even through adversity? Although in the Bible, Jacob, Joseph, David and Job were all able to do it, they are all bible characters, which makes me feel that this is out of my ability.

Thank God for his care and mercy towards me, for leading me step by step, so that I can constantly experience this heart of thanksgiving that other members have through their testimonies and sharing. Some of them were seriously sick, some encounter difficulties at work and in their daily lives, some fail to meet the expectations that they have set for themselves in school, and some encounter misunderstandings when doing holy work. The problems that everyone meets up with can be big or small, and they are all different. However, the similarity that all the members share is that in their reliance and gratitude towards God in their difficulty. Their sharing has become an integral part of my spiritual growth. Reading the bible and praying every day allowed me to begin to experience the peace and joy that God gives to me in my times of difficulty. Relying on Him has also allowed me to peacefully make it through the past two years of the pandemic.

Just when I thought the most difficult period had already passed, a bigger difficulty followed. In late February 2022, the war between Russia and Ukraine had entered a stage of very fierce fighting. In addition, it had quickly become the largest war in Europe since World War II, as Russia became an enemy of many countries. Overnight, the Russian Ruble crashed, money transfers were difficult, and all my daily work in Russia had to be stopped. This was an even greater problem for me, after I had just gotten through the pandemic. However, what was unbelievable was that after I had received the news, I was not overly anxious about my work. In the morning, I still prayed as I usually did, giving thanks that God allowed my visa application to move to Russia to be blocked, and because of this I was able to await the development of the situation in Toronto, far from the battlefield in Russia. In the blink of an eye, half a year had passed and when I was chatting with my colleagues, I realized how much grace God had given me over these past few years. This grace did not make it so that everything went smoothly, but rather it was that in every difficulty I could rely on God to get through it. Through prayer, I am able to live a life of joy in the Lord. Only in Christ Jesus can we receive this constant joy given by the Holy Spirit. It is not affected by time, place or environment. And allows us to give thanks to God in difficulty and in tribulation.

During the morning prayer a few days ago, I once again heard the story of the footprints on the beach that touched me twelve years ago. Twelve years ago, I did not yet know the Lord, yet I was inexplicably moved by this story. Now twelve years later, I am fortunate enough to have been chosen by the Lord and once again hear this story. In my heart I had a strong feeling of how great it is to have the Lord! With Him beside me, I can get through the difficult times in my life because God carries me forward, that I may be able to do as written in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Thank God! May all the praise and glory be unto the Father in heaven! Amen!


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