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  • TJC Toronto

Looking unto God

In the year 1979, I was 19 years old. To me, this was an important year, because everyone was working hard for their exam. In the Hong Kong curriculum, this exam was especially important, because it determines whether one will be able to enter into a 2-year pre-university program, and then apply for university admissions in Hong Kong. My parents had placed very heavy emphasis on our education, and I was working hard for this exam. At that time, there was a classmate of mine, whose last name was Chu, that left a deep impression on me.

During the time right before the exam, all of the students were studying hard, but Chu insisted on going to church every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. I could not understand what he was thinking. Two to three months before the exam results came out, on a Saturday, and without anyone’s invitation, I went to Chu’s church—the True Jesus Church. When I stepped into the church, I immediately heard their prayer in tongues. At that time my faith was extremely simple; I believed that as long as we believe, we can enter into heaven. I listened to the sermons attentively, read numerous testimonies, and used one month to read the entire Bible. The time from my first contact with God to my baptism was only a little over one month.

I was baptized in True Jesus Church at Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. I remembered that, at that time, my parents were against me going to church. However, by faith I stubbornly chose to continue. The first Sabbath after my baptism, I arrived to church early to simply pray for the Holy Spirit. I believed that if I was baptized, I could receive the promised Holy Spirit. I was determined to kneel before God to pray for the Holy Spirit, and I would not get up from prayer until I received Him. Thank God, He granted me His promised Holy Spirit not long after.

“And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” (Matthew 21:22)

Waiting for the results of the exam was extremely difficult. I often thought about how I did horribly in English, how I definitely did not pass the exam, or how I did not have enough time to finish the entire exam. If I did not pass my major, which is English, then even if I received high marks on other subjects, it would still all be in vain. Whenever I thought about these things, I would strangely have suicidal thoughts. Although I was already baptized and I had received the Holy Spirit, I had not fully understood the truth, and did not know that those in Christ could not commit suicide.

Finally, the day of the test results had arrived. and to my surprise, I passed the English exam with barely passing marks. I was able to enter into my ideal pre-university program, which allowed me to apply for university after two years.

In September of the same year, I went into the pre-university program and my faith faced a great trial: my menstrual period suddenly stopped for two years. My parents were extremely worried, but I was not at all worried. I thought that, regardless of what happens, I have already been baptized and can enter into heaven. My parents brought me to see family doctors and specialist doctors, but it was all useless. In the end, my sister recommended me to go to a Chinese doctor. After a few appointments, they still could not find out the issue. Not long after, my specialist doctor made an appointment for me to see her, to follow-up on my conditions.

Coincidentally, on one Sabbath day, I met with Elder Chu’s wife. She was the mother of my classmate, Chu, that moved me to walk into church for the first time. Elder Chu’s wife encouraged me to pray to God for healing. After her encouragement, I told God that I would no longer see doctors, but instead, pray to Him wholeheartedly.

My menstrual period finally came back, but only in small amounts. This condition lasted for six years, but I did not go to the doctors—I kept my promise to God. In the year 1986, I was married in the Lord and became pregnant in 1987. My doctor was concerned with my medical history, and told me that according to my physical condition, the possibility of me getting pregnant was low. Nevertheless, thank God: He granted me two sons.

“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)

Thank God. May all the glory be onto the true God in heaven.


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