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What is Most Valuable?

A typical person would assume that money is the most valuable. Money can resolve many problems and put people in advantageous positions; they may even believe that having money is everything there is and that it allows them to be invincible. Their purpose in life is to fulfill the desire of making money, and they labour day and night to gain more of it. However, is money the most valuable thing? If you refer to the list below, you will be able to see the limited power of money:

  1. Money can buy cosmetics, but cannot purchase beauty.

  2. Money can buy entertainment, but cannot obtain happiness.

  3. Money can buy material pleasures, but cannot purchase peace.

  4. Money can buy houses, but cannot obtain a good family.

  5. Money can buy medication, but cannot purchase health.

Not only is the value of money limited, it is something that is vain and uncertain (Proverbs 23:4-5; 1 Timothy 6:17). Why then do we use all our energy and lifetime to gain money that is vain and uncertain?

Some people also think that knowledge is also valuable. Knowledge can build skyscrapers, design tunnels under the sea, and send people to different planets. It can develop computers and resolve many complicated theories and problems. Their purpose of living is to satisfy their thirst for knowledge. They may not eat nor sleep in order to complete their research, and in order to obtain greater knowledge.

However, is knowledge truly that valuable? Here is what was said by the wisest king in Israel 3000 years ago, “I command with my heart, saying ‘Look, I have attained greatness, and have gained more wisdom than all who were before me in Jerusalem. My heart has understood great wisdom and knowledge.’ And I set my heart to know wisdom and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also is grasping for the wind. For in much wisdom is much grief and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.” (Ecclesiastes 1:16-18)

To a Christian, the most valuable thing in life is not money or knowledge or authority, but rather the truth. And this is exactly what the Lord Jesus has given us as spiritual food. It is incorruptible and gives fulfillment and true joy. The truth can also enable us to receive eternal life, which is far more valuable than what this world can give us (Matthew 16:26). Because of this, Moses was able to forsake the riches and pleasures in the palace he used to live in so that he could receive this eternal blessing (Hebrews 11:24-26). Though David was king, he did not yearn for a life in the palace either; rather, he was satisfied with knowing that he will be with the Lord on the day of resurrection (Psalm 17:15). This is what we should pursue with all our might.


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