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Why Do People Worship Idols?

There are many uncertainties in life, and when people cannot find help to make their lives secure, they look to a god they believe to be reliable. The variety of gods worshipped by people today is so great that it is like a grocery store. There was once an elderly person who worshipped more than a hundred idols because this person hoped that among all the gods, one would be able to find the true God and worship the true God, so that this person could have peace and good health. Although this kind of worship is not to be agreed with, it also highlights the desire of human beings to seek God.

Why do people worship idols? Here are a few reasons:

1. Reject the calling from the true God

Throughout history, God has often reminded people through His prophets and servants that idol worship is folly. Those who reject the call of the true God turn to idols. By refusing to heed the words of the prophets, they willingly embrace darkness, blinding themselves to the truth of the spiritual realm. Their thoughts become futile, and their hearts become darkened. Claiming wisdom, they exchange the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal creatures. They abandon the truth for lies, worshiping created things rather than the Creator (Romans 1:21-25). It's clear that forsaking God leads to spiritual darkness, akin to a kite without a string, lost in life's direction.

2. Fail to discern the true God from false gods

Just as there are genuine and counterfeit medicines, there are true and false gods. Without discernment, people may fall into idol worship, harming themselves and others. Who is the true God? God declares, "I AM WHO I AM" (Exodus 3:14); He is the beginning and the end. Being spirit, God transcends material existence; He is omnipresent, filling heaven and earth. How do we know God exists? We know by His Spirit within us (1 John 3:24). This Spirit, God Himself, evidenced by speaking in tongues, overcomes Satan's power, as seen in Moses' miracles. Thus, no idol compares to the true God (Exodus 8:19). Besides Him, there is no other god (Deuteronomy 4:39; Mark 12:29; 1 Corinthians 8:4).

3. Unable to find the true God

Many turn to idol worship due to ignorance of where to find the true God. Since God is omnipresent, where should one worship Him? Finding God requires more than sight or hearing; it necessitates the engagement of the heart and soul. Philosophers may fail to find God through reason, while the spiritually inclined may find Him without theological knowledge. God is spirit, and true worshipers worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).


Idols never lead to the true God or truth. Without guidance, one falls into darkness, susceptible to evil influences, leading to an unsettled life. God extends grace, calling those who haven't believed in Him. It's our duty to help them discern between true and false gods. Through knowing God, one experiences renewal, family harmony, and peace (John 16:33). Knowing the true God and forsaking idols is crucial for eternal life—an essential truth for all.


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