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  • TJC Toronto

God’s Love Found Me

When I was young, I went to other Christian churches and going to church was simply a formality for me. It was simply an action to calm down my busy heart. Furthermore, I showed no interest towards the idea that Jesus is Word becoming flesh, bleeding and dying for the salvation of mankind.

Not long after I was married, my wife and I moved to Vancouver, Canada, where we lived for 15 months. Since my wife already knew a sister from True Jesus Church (TJC) in Taiwan, it made it easier for us to truth seek at TJC. During that time, I only went to the church once because I could not accept praying in tongues. After 15 months, I applied to graduate school in the east coast, and so, we moved to Toronto. Due to the co-op, I must work and study at the same time. I was very confident in my ability to find a job, as I had many years of working experience. Therefore, I thought that finding a student job was a piece of cake, and I had an overconfident attitude. During the process of applying, I thought many of the jobs I came across was not worth my time to apply. This caused me many sufferings when I was looking for a job.

Unexpectedly, this is the mercy of our Lord Jesus, for He prepared for me a path onto the journey of faith.

When I was unable to find a job and was engulfed in despair, a technology company in Calgary accepted me. When I arrived at Calgary, I was unfamiliar with the place. I was very blessed because at that time the local TJC preacher and his wife helped me greatly. It was because of their help I accepted their invitation to attend services. The winter in that particular year was especially cold. It would easily reach negative 30~40 degrees. Furthermore, I had to stay there to pass my first winter in Canada, and my family was not with me. I was exceedingly sad at heart.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” God said to His people (Isa 55:8-9). Joseph said, “…but God meant it for good…” (Gen 50:20)

Looking back to the road I have traveled, going to Calgary is actually the wonderful will of the Lord! For He knew that my personality is more introverted, and I won’t be used to populated places. In places like Vancouver or Toronto, the churches have more members, and it would be hard for me to open my heart and blend with the church members. On the other hand, when I was in the Calgary Prayer House, the regular members were around 15. It was very easy for members to interact and get to know one another. As time passes, everybody became one big family. Though I still could not accept the prayer in tongues in the beginning, I was beginning to have less doubt. Therefore, after 4 months in Calgary, I returned to Toronto and started to regularly truth seek at Toronto TJC. During the Evangelical and Spiritual Convocation in the month of September 2002, my family and I received baptism, and became a part of the family of God! Working in Calgary had a key influence for me to be able to believe in Jesus, and to serve Him. I often reflect upon this because if I had not gone to Calgary, perhaps my family and I would still be unbelievers and not a part of the grace of the Lord.

“A man’s steps are of the Lord; how then can a man understand his own way?” (Prov 20:24); “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” (Prov 16:9) God’s love found me, and called me with His grace; with thanksgiving, I willingly offer my life to Him and allow Him to take me where He wills.


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