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  • TJC Toronto

Why do People Pray?

People have the concept of eternal life (Ecclesiastes 3:11), and thus they have instinct to “pray to the heavens.” The saying “When poor, cry to the heavens, and when hurt, cry to our mother” is a natural expression of our hearts. This kind of instinct proves that there was an intimate relationship between people and God in the beginning. Yet our relationship with God was destroyed by sin, making them distant from and forget about God, not acknowledging Him to be the One True God. Therefore, people should repent, turn back to God, and cry out to Him, and He shall give ear and listen (Psalm 77:1).

The most important goal of prayer is to glorify God (John 12:28), and to pray for all things to be done according to the will of God (Luke 22:42). All things can be requested of God but they must not go against His glory or will. He will listen if we earnestly pray for what is according to His will. For the things that go against God’s will or requests spent on our pleasures, we can ask but will not receive, for these are what is considered “asking amiss” (James 4:2-3). When our prayers are not being heard, we need to examine our hearts and pursue after the more wonderful will of God. For instance, Paul asked God to remove a thorn in his flesh three times, to make the messenger of Satan buffeting him leave, but God told him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness,” (2 Corinthians 12:9). Since Paul had an abundance of revelations, God wanted him to be alert lest he become exalted above measure (2 Corinthians 12:7-8).

The Lord Jesus taught the disciples to pray in this manner:

Our Father in heaven,

Hallowed be Your name.

Your kingdom come.

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,

As we forgive our debtors.

And do not lead us into temptation,

But deliver us from the evil one.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

(Matthew 6:9-13)

This prayer also makes up the basic structure of what we pray for today. We should memorize it and offer our prayers in this manner.

Lastly, we must keep a solemn and calm attitude during prayer. We must also choose the most suitable place and time to pray. The best place is one that is quiet so there will be no distractions. Especially for those whose body and mind are kept busy, a quiet heart is a must. What is written in Isaiah 30:15, “In quietness and confidence shall be your strength” is why Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness to pray when He was on this earth (Luke 5:16). Yet even though a quiet environment is important, if the heart can block out the troubles outside, then it is possible to create a secret inner place at any time. Furthermore, we can pray in silence wherever we are and whenever we wish. It can be a few minutes or only span a few words. Even when we are in a car or boat, or when we are walking or doing anything, we can pray “always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit” (Ephesians 6:18). If we can pray three times of the day: in the morning, evening, and at noon, then we can always draw nearer to God (Psalm 55:17).


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