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  • 劉學慧

The Temperament of a Christian

Ai Yun Wang immigrated to Toronto in 2012. When she was young, she envied her friends for being able to go to church. Sister Wang couldn’t go to church due to the opposition of her family. Thus, the longingness to go to church remained in her heart until she was ready for marriage at around age twenty. Her aunt, a believer in the True Jesus Church, introduced her to a brother in the church. This brother is now her husband: Zhong Weng. Invited by Brother Weng and her aunt, Sister Wang sought the truth at church without letting her family know; this opened the door to her faith. Whenever she had free time, Sister Wang would read the Bible and pray. A few months later, after listening to an evening sermon titled, The Holy Spirit is the Guarantee of Our Inheritance of Heaven, Sister Wang longed to receive the Holy Spirit. In her fervent prayer, her praises of “Hallelujah” turned into the utterance of tongue and her heart was filled with joy, as she did not want to cease praying. She had wonderfully received the Holy Spirit! Soon afterwards, Sister Wang was baptized into the name of our Lord. However, believing in the Lord does not guarantee a smooth sailing life. One day before Sister Wang’s wedding, Brother Weng was involved in a very serious accident. However, this accident did not cause her to lose faith in God: together with the members in church, they fervently prayed for Brother Weng and he was miraculously kept alive. Brother Weng once showed me his scars from the accident and said: “This is the testimony of God on me.”

Before coming to Canada, Sister Wang’s family was not concerned about their personal livelihood. Rather, her family worried about not having a church to attend services, or they were worried that they would miss Sabbath services and that their faith would be affected by the pressure of trying to make a living. Due to their heart of pursuit, the Lord arranged for them wonderfully: they were able to open a hair salon in Toronto. Through a heart of pursuing the Lord, Sister Wang still brought her three children to church, regardless of the pressures that came from opening up their own salon and the fact that Saturday was probably their best day for business. Because of Sister Wang’s fervor, her husband also started attending Sabbath services with them. When I asked them whether or not observing Sabbath services affected their income, Sister Wang joyfully replied: “Thank God! Not at all, we even made more revenue!”

Due to her occupation as a hairdresser, Sister Wang has many work-related health issues: neck pain and soreness, frequent dizziness, and numbness in her limbs. However, none of these factors affect her willingness to do holy work: she participates in the cleaning and cooking teams, and is often busy serving the church. Sister Wang participates in the church choir and attends Bible studies. Sister Wang also participates in the morning prayer group, in which you can hear her familiar voice of prayer. At her hair salon, she often preaches to her clients at any available opportunity; you can often hear her encouraging brethren who are weak, both physically and spiritually. Sister Wang participates in all the aforementioned because she never forgets a verse in the Bible: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven”(Mt 7:21). This is the reason why she often pursues the will of God, which is to love God and to love men. This is also the reason why one can observe the temperament a Christian in her: humility, joy, contentment, and thankfulness always.

May God grant every one of us this heart of relying on the Lord for His strength, being a member that portrays the temperament of a Christian, and entering the kingdom of God triumphantly. Amen!


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