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  • TJC Toronto

Receiving God’s Grace in my Life

Updated: May 9, 2020

I was born into a family of True Jesus Church members, and my parents often went for service. This was why I was baptized when I was young, and because of the protection of God, I lived a peaceful life.

When I was around six years old, I saw the devil, so sometimes people may ask: Do ghosts exist in this world? Some may doubt their existence, but I have never doubted because I have seen it with my eyes. After I grew up I asked God within my heart: [I hear people speaking testimonies regarding seeing angels in the church, but why did I see the devil?], yet God assured me by saying : [When you saw the devil I was also there.] Finally, I realized why I was not afraid at all when I saw the devil, it was because God told His angel to protect me so that the devil could not harm me. It is a wonderful blessing that we have the mighty God that protects us, therefore, we should not be afraid of the devil.

When I was young, there was also one other day when I woke up during the middle of the night and saw a chubby devil and a thinner devil sitting with their legs crossed and both of them had a black newspaper in front of them. They also had their hands on the table and they were carefully reading the newspaper (at that time there was no television). I saw their backs and I knew that they were devils. I also knew that I should tell this to my mother so that she would cast them away. Therefore, I headed towards my mother’s bedroom and after I had passed the two devils reading newspapers, I also saw another two devils, and they were like the others - one chubby and the other thinner. They were doing somersaults in the air and spinning to block my way. If I were to step into my mother’s bedroom my foot would touch them. As I made my way to my mother’s bedroom they had disappeared before I made contact with them. I touched my mother and told her that I had seen the devil and she asked me where. I was about to point them to her, but I saw that everything I had seen had disappeared. My mother told me that if I were to see the same thing happening again, to say: [In the name of Lord Jesus to cast out demons.] On the second day my mother asked me what had I seen during the middle of the night and I told her the whole story, she asked me three times and I answered her three times. At that time I did not know why she asked me so many times and I only heard her mumbling: “young children have no fear because they are naive.”

After I grew up I began to think that this incident should have a meaning behind it, but I could not figure it out, and so after 30 years, around when my mom passed away and rested in the heavenly kingdom, I suddenly thought of this incident again and understood the significance.

The devil was attentively reading the newspaper, and this meant that that the devil’s attention is on the world’s news. They were doing somersaults in the air because they wanted to prevent people from approaching God, and so when I was about to call my mom to cast them away, they were blocking my way. This incident taught me that believers should boldly step forward and shift their eyes towards God, then the devil will be scared and flee. Therefore, in our journey of faith, in order not to stumble in the winds and waves of the world, the only way is to lift up our eyes and look unto God.


The Process of Asking for the Holy Spirit

Starting from a young age, I attended many prayer sessions in the church, and those without the Holy Spirit needed to go up to the front to ask for the Holy Spirit. One time after another I still have not received the Holy Spirit. Therefore, during my young age, I would pray to God alone and ask for the Holy Spirit. There was an incident when I had prayed for around ten minutes and decided to take a break to think about the reasons why I was unable to receive the Holy Spirit. I decided to blame God and thought it was because He did not want to save me. At this moment, I felt disappointed and wanted to give up. I got up from prayer and opened my drawer, and as opened some of my books, I found a card with the words: “For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”” (Hebrews 13:5). These words struck my heart and I knew that God would never forsake us. I knew as long as I do not turn away from God, He will not forsake me. I thank God for guiding me and allowing me read this verse. So once more I pondered upon the reasons why I did not receive the Holy Spirit and the answer was that I was not praying diligently enough. From this point onwards, each time I prayed and did not receive the Holy Spirit I would tell myself that I had to try harder next time. Finally, it was not too long afterwards that I received the Holy Spirit during the Student Spiritual Convocation when I was fifteen. At first when I received the Holy Spirit my experience was like this: whenever I thought of God in my heart, I could speak in tongues and whenever I was not paying attention in my prayers I could not speak in tongues. Suddenly I realized it was because I was not paying full attention in my prayers, therefore, I did not receive the Holy Spirit back then. The reason we do not pay full attention in our prayers is because we do not believe that God looks at our hearts during our prayers. We should not think that God is far away from us, He is actually near us to the point that He knows what we are thinking about. Hebrews 11:6 records: [But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.] After receiving the Holy Spirit, I was convinced that God really exists and God will be close to those who want to seek him and according to the truth of the True Jesus Church, I received the Holy Spirit.


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